In 2019 the first Russian drone Geoscan 101 went to Angola. This year Geoscan 201 Agrogeo was shipped to South Africa.
In 2020 a contract for the supply of Geoscan 201 Agrogeo drone was signed between Russian Geoscan Group and South African NTIYISO. The unmanned aerial vehicle is to be tested in vegetation monitoring, road construction, territory mapping, etc.
The first drone complex was shipped to Johannesburg amid COVID-19 restrictions. In order to train South African flight operators, Geoscan plans to send personnel there this November. These training sessions usually take from 3 to 5 days.
Apart from agricultural services, the drones can be used for remote geological exploration. It saves the budget and gives an opportunity to prospect for minerals in remote areas.
Apart from agricultural services, the drones can be used for remote geological exploration. It saves the budget and gives an opportunity to prospect for minerals in remote areas. There have already been successful experiences with gold and rare-earth elements, Geoscan spokesperson told Africa Journal. He mentioned that this experience can be applied in Africa.
Geoscan is also considering the opportunity to participate in educational projects in Africa: Centres for Robotic Engineering, workshops, and hackathons, following their experience in Russia. Bringing these projects into life requires public or private investment. Partners from Zimbabwe and South Africa have already expressed their interest, the Africa Journal gathered from Geoscan.
Another Geoscan 101 complex operates in Angola. It was delivered there in 2019 following a visit by the Geoscan team the previous year. With an invitation from the Angolan Ministry of agriculture and forestry and the support of the Angolan company Alfa Sementeira Geoscan aerial vehicles recorded over 2,500 hectares of forests to build up a database and identify the locations of valuable and rare species. The outskirts of Luanda were also filmed to evaluate the speed and direction of soil erosion.
With an invitation from the Angolan Ministry of agriculture and forestry and the support of the Angolan company Alfa Sementeira Geoscan aerial vehicles recorded over 2,500 hectares of forests to build up a database and identify the locations of valuable and rare species
According to Geoscan, Namibia and Nigeria are being considered as their potential markets in Africa, “however the Russian manufacturer needs to win a serious price battle against some European countries, mainly French companies, as the African markets have traditionally been oriented to suppliers from Europe.”
The drones can be used not only for science, but also for entertainment. Once launched into the sky, these drones move following a certain program and thus create a 3D cartoon in the sky. Geoscan presented such a show in Tunisia, and later set the world record by making a show using 2198 drones in St. Petersburg.